Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So my lovely national carrier caused me to remain an extra four hours in the Gulf....just when I very badly wanted to get out of me, i was least amused...
Stuck....In transit.....

Airports are interesting places though..........a whole melting pot of people from all over the globe. Human beings, so diverse, yet so very much the same in so many ways.
So a journey begins, and then you get suspended somewhere for a time, waiting for your next boarding time, waiting to continue on with the next phase of your journey.

And in a funny way, such is life..........if you really think about it.

Have you ever had times when there were moments at a stretch where you were just sort of existing, stuck in some sort of limbo, finding your way, not really sure.....not really living???
Weighing options.

I moved from the life of a Ferrari on the superhighway, to that of a donkey ride, gently plodding along the dirt road. It seemed that i had come to a stop, not realizing i was still moving along, just at a different pace.
And more importantly, I was still moving along, just that the world had gone on pause.

Some people climb mountains....others take sabbaticals....others go sit in a cave somewhere.....I decide to move to the Middle East.....and my world went on pause.
Because of the change in pace, for a time it did really feel like i was just existing.
I think humans really are just creatures of habit...we don't appreciate change.
Sometimes we are just too scared of change, or of confronting ourselves, or of breaking away from the norm.
It took a while to realize it was a golden opportunity...
To think.
To analyze.
To plan.
To introspect.

Through change, we grow....and when we grow, only then do we truly live.

And so today, as I zoomed around in my mothers car...going down roads all too familiar....walking through malls that i can navigate blind folded....appreciating all the sights, sounds and smells...all I could do was smile.
I have changed...but all around me still was the same.
It still was all there, just as I left it.
And that's what we all don't realize. It will always still be there, be the same, when we get back to it.
Like old friends meeting world is now unpaused.

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