How do i start....?
We all know about it....
We all sometimes allude to it....
But we never really talk about it.
Why do women hate other women??
Ok...maybe hate is a strong word....
Perhaps we can replace that with a contempt of sorts....
But really...why??
Some call it jealousy...others call it rivalry...others call it simply what it really is, being a B.
When we are young girls, it's passed off as being rivalry....
These are seedlings that will grow into huge baobab trees, living forever, and growing deeper roots with each passing year.
I don't think it's really given its true importance and recognition, and perhaps if it was, and stopped in its tracks as children, then we might have a different picture as adults.
We all live with the adage that women are always mean to other women.
Its a known factor isn't it??
One minute she'll be smiling with the man infront of you, then turn to you and give you a scowl.
Like, what did i do to you??
Have the perfect amiable demanour with a man, and just be downright nasty to another woman.
Full of scorn.
Full of some undefined bitterness.
Its something I've never understood.
And secretly, many women prefer to deal with men instead, be it at work, in stores, or even as friends.
How many times have you heard someone say, it's just less drama.....
Why do we look at other women through this prism?
As competition. As something to stomp on.
Why can't we be happy for other women in their successes and accomplishments?
Why are we always trying to tear each other down??
We are always whining about it being a hard world for women...that we live in a patriachal society...that we are never given our rights as human beings....that we have more obstacles being viewed as the weaker sex...
But do we ever really realize and acknowledge that our own true enemy is ourselves??
If i look at another woman and admire her beautiful dress, then turn around in the same millisecond and hate on her for having will that change my own personal situation for the lack of that dress in my own wardrobe??
And this extends to it a good job, a nice house, a wonderful husband, delightful children, swanky car, amazing holiday, gorgeous jewellary, beautiful hair, sexy name it!
We are always trying to put a dent into another womans world...
Does that really make us truly feel more validated with our lives?
Or the lack of what's in it??
By tearing another woman down, will that change and make better the situation we ourselves are in...??
situations that we allow ourselves to stay in?
situations that we chose for ourselves?
By hating on another woman, does that make you feel better?
make you feel like you have now achieved something??
is that the answer then?
My perception has always been it's downright pathetic...and very pitiful.
Recognize your self esteem issues and work on them, instead of projecting them onto every female you come across.
And like many others, i choose to stay away from all the drama....
Away from the B factor.
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