Friday, January 28, 2011


The interesting thing about travelling, is meeting new people, having new experiences....and through that, learning more about yourself.............and others!
So here in the US, a lot of issues obviously have been going on since Sept 11th...with a whole bunch of perceptions moving left right and centre through society.
The greatest perception, which I think is currently shared by many regions round the world, is the fear that people have towards Muslim/Middle Eastern people.........only that I think this perception is aired loudest in the US, as opposed to other places that keep quieter about it.

I haven't had any untoward experiences by being a covered Muslim woman living in America....but I have had many interesting conversations since I have come here.....and probably won over many new friends thankfully.
The latest being a very frank conversation with one of my work mates...
Lovely woman....
Who now admitted she has a different mind set since meeting me.
She also admitted that she had never actually personally known someone of the Islamic faith before....and through knowing me, I have shattered every misconception she previously held.
She also admitted she didn't know how to initially behave around me in the beginning....and on the first day that I did show up at work, she went home and told her husband, "She's Muslim!"...LOL.
So currently...I am her only Muslim friend.
And she is no longer afraid of Muslims.

What I've learnt about myself since being here is.........I actually can be patient!:-) Which is a huge feat for me, because for many years, it used to be my one and only New Years learn to be patient.
So it warms my heart that I am on the right track to being a better human being hopefully, by being able to endure many inquisitive questions that can make others perhaps uncomfortable or offensive to them.

What others have learnt through me hopefully is......We are not monochrome as people......That MAJORITY of Muslims round the world are just like me....NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS.
That actually what is depicted in the media is a small minority.....That the majority of Muslims round the world are actually Non-Arab.
And the list could go on....

Many times, when there are negative sentiments about a group of people, they go into tortoise mode....retreat into a shell....go into defensive mode, and do everything they think is right to 'protect' oneself....
This creates isolation.
So whether it's people of colour isolating themselves from Caucasians.
Or an ethnic group isolating themselves from other ethnic groups.
Or a religious community isolating themselves from others of a different belief system.
It's all tortoise-mode.
Defensive and self defeating in the long run.

It was an interesting open conversation i had with my new friend....and I totally appreciated her honesty in processing her feelings.
Ignorance is a fertile breeding ground for fear.
Take a step forward to the unknown......
.....challenge yourself.....
..........and you might discover limitless possibilities.

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