The sheer beauty of the peace and quiet of a weekend morning.......
That should tell you that I don't live in Mommy's-ville yet......ha!
A little over a decade ago, I read Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.
I most probably need to read the book again now, for a better assessment and understanding of reality, but at that time my still adolescent mind totally thought I had grasped it all.
The book was beneficial at the time, in the sense, it got me to think.......Whether it was in the right direction of thought process is debatable.............But there was a thought process.....So we'll concentrate on the positive.
One of the things that struck me the most was how the author delved into the need for Men to have solitary time, as opposed to continuous male-bonding sessions...or just human contact in general.
He called it, the Cave-Man moments.
Where a man would need a time-out, to be by himself, process whatever he needs to.....
Mentally and emotionally work out what he needs to......
However big or small the problem may be.
Or there may not be a problem at all actually.....He just needs time to himself.
To think.
To reflect.
To just....BE.
And then re-emerge into the world, a stronger, more balanced human being....Ready to be the super-hero he is meant to be.
Women on the other hand...We are meant to be eternally social beings.
We need support of each other at all times (apparently).
We need AND WANT to have contact with others.
We share EVERYTHING.......And that is how we deal with issues in life.
Constant pretty butterflies....flying from one flower to the next.
Or so the author had summarized.
So maybe it's just me (but I highly doubt it)...
Or that perhaps in the last 2 decades since the book was written, women had acquired a higher level of testosterone within themselves......
But I no longer buy that concept.
Social entrapment at it's best.
You see, this is why I started by saying, when I read the book, I still had an adolescent mind.
Peer-pressure without even realizing it!
For a few years after that, I think I bought into that idea.
That I was supposed to be that way with others....constantly engaged.....because I am a woman.....
And that's what women are.......What women do....Always.....ALL THE TIME.
And so when I needed my own personal time-outs...It was virtually impossible for me to just SAY "I need my personal space and time"...
I'd make up all sorts of excuses....
Oh, I have to do this....
Oh, I am busy with that....
Just not able to say simply, "I respectfully decline your invite, but I just don't feel like being at a party", or, "I just need time to myself, rain-check, next time God willing".....
And majority of and women.....who have also bought into that ideology....Do not realize that they have.
You run the high risk of being called Anti-Social...Just because you're not going nuts in excitement and clapping your hands at the thought of the next tea party to go to!
I personally have been told that perhaps I do not like people....several times.
Like....what is wrong with me?!
Truth is...........there is nothing wrong with me.
And I am so thankful to have grown up.........Because I know that fact with certainty!
Any grown woman will tell you how much they crave ME-TIME.
Nowadays....psychologists praise the need for me-time....for everybody!
But even with this 'new' knowledge....The archaic expectations and lack of understanding of women still prevail.
And yet.....
As women, we are torn into 2 billion pieces of ourselves everyday.....
Society's expectations of us are pretty darn high
Our roles are so highly complex.....whether at work or in our personal lives.....That you would think that we automatically earn and deserve.........wait for it.........REST.
We are famous for having the ability to multi-task......To be able to do it ALL at once.
But it seems we are soooo good at what we do and how we do it......
No one wants us to stop for a moment.
It's like we are a different species...And not just human beings who also need AND want AND deserve time ourselves.
To relax....mentally, physically, emotionally.
Not to think....Or to think to my heart's content without interruption...If that's what I want.
To sit and stare at a blank wall all day....If that's what I want.
To dress up...If I want.
To dance in private...If I feel like it.
To stuff myself with (OMG) chocolate and ice cream......If that's what I want.
To expunge.
To exhale.
To let go.
To just have the freedom to BE...........UNINTERRUPTED.
I think that I must be very fortunate because when I got married, I discussed this with my darling husband.
And he totally agreed....And has been very supportive all along in my personal time-out sessions.
It works both ways...
And I am forever grateful.
So I propose a new wave.
The Lioness's Den.
Where every woman is entitled to have her time out.
Where it's OKAY to want to be by be in that mental space.
For a day...or two....or even a week....Or 2 hours, if that's all you can manage.
To do just want you want to do.
To be able to turn your phone off....If you want.
To be able to go shopping by yourself......Uninterrupted.....To purchase things for YOURSELF only.
To go watch whatever movie you want....alone.
To be able to sit and read a book in peace and quiet.
Prepare a meal to your satisfaction.....If cooking is your thing.
To go hiking.....
To sit on your couch all day...If that's what you want.
To take a dance class...once a week........
To imagine you're a princess somewhere....
To do yoga....
Without anyone feeling slighted, or wondering what's got into you.
To escape.
To have the freedom to do anything and everything you want to do at that moment, without the clutter of people around you....Physically, mentally and emotionally.
Without ANYONE else demanding anything from you.......for that moment.
Without being called selfish, anti-social, or weird.
To escape......for a little while.
To just be.
In the Lioness's Den.
Always thought that book was a load of croc! And I DO love my own company (although sometimes I get annoying ;-) )
ReplyDeletehehehehe....i read it when i was 18........
ReplyDeleteand by 21 i did realize it was a load of croc!:-)
maybe i should read it again now....
just to see:-)
and i love you company too! xxx