Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Ice Princess.............

I’ve always admired figure skating.
As a young child ice skating was in the same category as Disney World characters.
Since it was not available to me in the real tangible sense, the allure made it all the more intense.
What would it feel like to glide over ice on skates?
It looked so graceful….
So intricate…..
The dazzling sexy costumes the female skaters would wear……
The lifts…
The turns….
The precision.....
All those seemingly impossible maneuvers.
Fantasy upon fantasy built up in my head.

I used to WAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT for the figure skating championships every Olympics!
Did 4 years always have to take soooooooooo long to come?
It was also the one and only reason why I would ever venture to watch the Winter Olympics (which for some reason Canada seems to always be geared up for!)

I would imagine skating with my prince charming.
Totally corny right?

But as human beings, we always want what we cannot have.
And since ice skating was something I couldn’t have as a child growing up in a tropical African country (a few decades ago), it just remained one of those magical things.

As I grew older, and as my phobia (irrational fear, I know, I know…….) for falling grew more intense…
My fantasy of ice skating kinda waned……...err NOT.
But I just KNEW it was one of those things I simply could not do.
I was too scared to fall!

Remember I said irrational fear….
I know…
Le sigh.


I did try it once however.
I always say try something at least once……..
And I was one of those people who just cannot let go of the side railings.
As little kids barely out of their diapers were zooming all over the place on those slits they call skates, I was the desperado clutching at the side rails….
You know…..
The ones EVERY skating rink has!
What a total waste of time and money.

So since this became THE one thing that I know I cannot do, rather than mourn my ineptitude, the fantasy of it just kept on growing in my head. 
Enter in serious applause for Skating with the Stars TV program! :-)
I was probably one of the few nuts who gave it time of day.

Lord knows if it will even have a 2ND season.
Hubby just used to shake his head and leave the room…………………
Exit the fantasy of skating with Prince Charming.


Last week sitting in the middle of a snow storm somewhere in the Mid-West, waiting for my flight home, new thoughts started off somewhere in my brain.
On the way to the airport, I had to stop and fill up the rental car with petrol (aka gas).
Thankfully I remembered to carry my gloves, because it was so bitterly cold, the temperatures just brought sheer pain to my hands in a matter of seconds.
As I was sitting in the airport trying to get some feeling back into my hands, I glanced over to the man who was a few feet away from me….reading a newspaper….
He flipped over the page, and there was this picture of a figure skater.

Light bulb went off in my head.
Wow, people are thinking of skating in this cold?!
I suppose though, it IS the season for that kinda thing isn’t it…..??
Cold = Ice = COLD!

And just like that……………..
The fantasy has died!
You would think, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist (nor a medical doctor apparently) to figure that out right?
But I just NEVER thought about it in that context….
These guys are constantly out on ICE.
Constantly surrounded by COLD.
I mean, even ice rinks are freakishly COLD…….OF COURSE because of the ICE.
I don’t even know why people go to them.
End of fantasy.

Yeah, I have my retarded moments.
And this is one MAJOR one. Hahahahaha……
Believe me, I always shock myself that I was trained to make life-changing decisions for people and perform surgery, yet the most simple and most basic ideas just seem to elude me, up until…………
Moments like this!
Just never REALLY thought about it before you know………..
And so now I don’t feel horribly terrible that I cannot ice skate…..
I wouldn’t want to spend all that time in the cold anyway!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Public Service Announcement

FIRSTLY, I tell you, if the lady in front of me pouts her lips like that one more time…
I’m going to HAVE to smack the collagen out of her!

Why oh whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do people do that?!
Who in the world even came up with the idea of injecting collagen into people’s lips?!
How and whyyyyyyyyyy were so many women convinced that looking like a blow fish is attractive??
Oh wait....apparently it's called a TROUT POUT!

This is not a rant.
This is a serious social issue!
So which louse of a human being came up with this idea and decided to bring more menace to society?
I'm still trying to find out.
I really and truly do not see the positive benefit of pumping one’s lips in a bid to somehow magically create a sexy-come-hither pout that will make all men go weak in the knees……….
Most of the women I see look horribly wrong…
It just looks out of place with them…
EVERYONE knows the lips are collagen filled…….because they look so terribly unnatural.
How are these women convinced this is a better option for them?
I can understand how other enhancements can be of benefit.............but this one?!
I understand that their self-esteem must be in the gutter levels to resort to such measures………
But surely!
Doesn’t sanity reign in at some point?
Don’t their supposed loved ones care even an iota for them and inform them how ridiculous they look?
We need an intervention!

SECONDLY, we need a new super food or whatever….
Because broccoli will just not do!
That’s it....
I said it.

No matter how much ‘they’ try to convince us that broccoli is the next best thing since sliced bread…..
I simply cannot buy it.
It looks weird…
It tastes even weirder…..
And you simply cannot do much with it.
I’ve never met a more stubborn vegetable than broccoli….
Despite trying it in different recipes…..different methods of cooking……the taste ALWAYS remains the same!
They need to stop growing it.
End of story.
At least we have a consensus!!

THIRDLY, an unrecognized hero walks this earth and has not been given due recognition.
WHO created the disposable flush-able toilet seat coverings????????????????????
I really want to know!
Because if there ever was a necessity for ANYTHING on this planet, THAT would be on top of every list!
That SHOULD be on top of every list.

I know whoever he/she is, is making bucket-fulls of money, and probably sitting pretty in some pent-house somewhere (or at least I hope so!), but they soooooo deserve it….
THAT is a true public service gem of an idea…….
You WILL remember THIS and understand why this piece of genius moves my world
And anyone who has had to use a toilet/bathroom/loo/latrine/restroom/water-closet (what-ever you want to call it) in some nether regions of the world (or even some places right here), will HAVE to agree with me…..
Things we so desperately need, and take for granted.
Just think about it :-)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Suburban Barbie??: Kicking Myself............

Suburban Barbie??: Kicking Myself............: So remember this crazy moment when i decided to have a New Year's Resolution ??? Yeah me neither........ Unfortunately with putting thing...

Kicking Myself............

So remember this crazy moment when i decided to have a New Year's Resolution???
Yeah me neither........
Unfortunately with putting things in print, you cannot take it back.
Ask all the naysayer celebrities who would have loved to kick themselves in the foot after the fact......

One of the fundamental laws of medicine and research is, if it wasn't recorded, it didn't happen.

Clearly I'm terrible at taking my own advice.
Anyhow, so I had that resolution.......A few months ago.....
When i was clearly overcome by sheer insanity, or a moment of profound thought clarity.
I'm still trying to decide which it was.

So how the guarding my tongue part of things gone?
Has anyone noticed my sudden silence on all matters under the sun?
(Rhetorical question!)
I knew it was going to be hard.........but not THIS hard.
I'm older and wiser and what not, right?

I think I'm starting to accept that one of the ironies of life is that, when you decide something major, there will come your way 30 different situations out of the blue to challenge that very decision in all its forms.

I wrote a bunch of blogs in the past couple of months........

Ran wild actually with my thoughts.....
But boy! Weren't they dark.....and depressing!
I would read them later and think.....This is just perfect for some tragic stage play!
Not that I was depressed.....
Or that events were directly involving my life....
But I was bouncing off a lot of the energy that was surrounding me at the time from others.
So here now that I had suddenly decided to challenge myself with not talking ill, and working on controlling my speech, when there came a tsunami of WTF moments.......
It really is mind boggling! :-)
The challenge really was on.

So I kept my peace, bit my tongue.......And let the waves ride themselves out until they were tired.
Sunshine shall reign once again.
And I think to some measure, I'm surviving my challenge.

So now that 2012 is officially here...
How is your New Years Resolution going so far??? :-)