Thursday, June 24, 2010

Here goes nothing...

I've never tried blogging before....never thought i had the flow of words to stick to it and make it worthwhile, but friends tell me differently.. :-)

A little bit about myself.....I am a medical practitioner, originally from East Africa, currently living in the Middle East....about to celebrate my one year anniversary with my husband.
Currently being a desperate housewife in the desert, seriously hoping to get an oasis soon.
And also, currently contemplating what it means to have been on this planet for almost 3 decades....

Life has taken me places i never thought i'd ever get to, and down paths that were sometimes too dimly lit to see what's infront of me....but somehow, there was always a corner to turn to when things got pitch black........and i am scared of the dark by the way!

I think for every 1 word my husband uses, I use 10, so I'm sure I will find something to say at some point.......i hope!
Stick around, and jump into my crazy unpredictable life.


  1. I can vouch for crazy and unpredictable!!! :-)

  2. Dearest Huwie,
    Traditional and conventional are two words that are definately lost to you..... Over the years, I have watched you continually set and achieve higher targets and transcend expectations with gusto and charisma.....
    In in the dark corners, you took it all in stride, we'd never tell that you were afraid of the dark :)

    In character, we are of completely opposite temperament, which I'm thankful for, you compliment me and through you I view the world in a different set of spectacles, where you have been I have been through your love of life and genorosity to share it , be it be in photos, a story or a good runting and raving on fb.....
    As you embark on this blogging adventure and continue with the adventure that we call life....I'll be right here, enjoying every second through your rosy coloured specs...

  3. This is great! we have been discussing getting a Kenyan muslim woman blog going so you are it!!

  4. Your not just telling your story, your telling ours too, represent baby girl, represent.

  5. Thank you for all the support.
    Means a lot.
    Here we go...right?:-)))

  6. heeey love the name!!! i'm sure you'll become the full blogger fanatic in no time. enjoy the ride diva

  7. why thank you fellow goddess:-)
    let's enjoy the ride together!

  8. hihihihi :-) huwie!! i have actually never been on any blog, so am still abit in the dark ages coz am still not quite sure what its all about but i'll just go along! (talk about peer pressure hey) lol!
    so am really going to choroka your page and find out what this blog thing is about :-)

  9. LOLLLL...Anne, feel free!:-)
    and you might just start one of your own too:-)
    thanks for signing up!
